Ngā Tūī ō Tawa - Junior Player Development Programme

Ngā Tūī ō Tawa aims to provide our junior players aged 9-12 years with the opportunity to further develop their football skills in a fun and safe environment, regardless of their stage of development.

Training sessions are professionally run by experienced, certified coaches who deliver age-appropriate skill building activities and small-sided games.

The sessions are structured, diverse, and include progression to ensure players are being continuously challenged.

Players participating in the programme will enjoy developing their football technique, game understanding, and general movement and coordination skills.

Ngā Tūī ō Tawa runs on a term-by-term basis during terms 1 to 3, with holiday programmes also offered during the July and October school holidays.

Term 1 2025 

Monday evenings at Grenada North Park

3rd February to 31st March

U9 and U10 - Monday 5pm to 6pm

U11 and U12 - Monday 6pm to 7pm

Cost: $75 per player (includes free training top)

Click here to register now